Luiz di Cristóforo Postiglioni (1909 - 1979) was one of the great names of Argentine Spiritism in the twentieth century, having a great performance in spiritist and psychic research institutions such as the Constancia Society, the Camilo Flammarión Studies Association, the Argentine Society of Parapsychology, and the Argentine School of Psychic Studies.

His academic training was in the areas of biological sciences and physiotherapy.

In the spiritist press, he had a prominent role as Editorial Secretary of the magazine Constancia, one of the oldest and most influential doctrinal publications in Latin America. Another important spiritist publication that received its valuable contribution was the magazine La Idea, official organ of the Argentine Spiritist Conferederation (CEA by its acronym in Spanish).

In the history of CEPA, he served as delegate in congresses and conferences, as general secretary during the first term (1946-1949), and under Natalio Ceccarino’s presidency (1963-1966). He also served as the Delegate of CEPA at the 2nd Pan-American Spiritist Congress held in Rio de Janeiro in 1949.

He was also president of the CEA in the 1960s and president of the International Spiritist Federation between 1972 and 1978.

He was considered a great disseminator of Spiritism through oratory. He presented several works in spiritist and psychic congresses. As a writer, he published the works Root and Destiny of Allan Kardec, Brain Evolution, Science and Soul, Reincarnation and Scientific-Philosophical Foundations of Reincarnation (the latter in collaboration with José S. Fernández, 1st President of CEPA).

He dedicated special attention to the spiritist thesis of reincarnation and, seeking to expand studies in that area, was the idealizer of the International Congress for the study of reincarnation, an event that had two editions in Buenos Aires and one in Curitiba, Brazil. Postiglioni was one of the greatest defenders of the acceptance of this theory among the spiritists of the American school, defending the scientificity and solidity of this principle during the International Spiritist Conference held in 1969 in Glasgow, Scotland, and later when he served as president of the International Spiritist Federation.

When he returned to his spiritual homeland on February 10, 1979, his departure was deeply felt among the Argentine spiritists, since until then he remained fully active in the spreading of Spiritism, beyond responding to the presidency of the Spiritist Society Te Perdono, from La Plata, and act in the Movement at the Service of Spiritism (MASDE).

Postiglioni promoted the development of the spiritist theory of reincarnation through his studies and publications, arguing that this thesis, originated from Kardecian codification, possessed full philosophical and scientific conditions to merit the attention of several areas of knowledge. To remember aspects of the life and work of this character who dedicated his life to the Spiritist cause, it is important not only to know the formation of the freethinker movement, but also to inspire the new generations who intend to enter the paths of research and the development of the scientific aspect of Spiritism.

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