On January 8, 2023, extremists dissatisfied with the results of the internationally recognized free and democratic elections held in Brazil, lowered themselves to the most sordid level of criminality in an attempt to establish chaos and implement a coup d'état in Brazil, invading, plundering and dilapidating the seat of the constitutional Three Powers: the National Congress, seat of the legislature; the Federal Supreme Court, the highest legal court in the country; and the Planalto Palace, seat of the Presidency of the Republic.

The serious and regrettable events registered in Brasilia, in addition to the destruction of public and cultural heritage of inestimable and irreparable value, constitute an affront to the most important achievements of civilization: the Democratic State of Law.

This minority of insane vandals reproduced the same barbarism observed two years ago in the Capitol, in Washington, on January 2021, when a violent group also contested the result of the US elections. The same goals, motives and methods were put into practice by Brazilian extremists who tried to strike a blow to democracy and destroy its institutions.

This episode reflects a phenomenon that could manifest itself, in different ways, in other countries. The hard lessons from the recent experience lived in the US and now in Brazil should serve as a warning. There are eloquent signs of advances by authoritarian forces and regimes in several countries in recent years that violate human and social rights and put democracy at risk.

In the past, the silence of the majority resulted in the Holocaust and the adoption of bloodthirsty authoritarian regimes, some of which still remain.

A democratic rule of law is built and maintained by solid institutions and foundations that guarantee social peace. We understand that it is time to proclaim to the world the value of peace, freedom, social justice and respect for democracy, which are solidly based on the Spiritist Philosophy.

Spiritists cannot remain silent or ignore this ignominy.

Us at CEPA - International Spiritist Association, a collective which brings together free-thinking spiritists from various countries, express its REPUDIATION of the terrorist acts of January 8, 2023, and the attempted coup d'état in Brazil, as well as our UNRESTRICTED SUPPORT to democratic institutions and to the defense of the preservation of the freedom of all the peoples of the planet.

We understand that it is fundamental that the legally constituted authorities promote, with observance of due legal process, the rigorous and exemplary investigation and punishment of all the authors of the various crimes, including the authorities involved and the financiers of the terrorist acts.

CEPA defends freedom, social peace and democracy as fundamental values and civilizing achievements and joins the voice of all democratic institutions that aim to build solid foundations of harmonious and peaceful coexistence. Thus, we take a strong position, standing alongside democratic institutions and will always work to build a fairer, less unequal, more pluralistic and, above all, solidary, peaceful, and loving world.


January 2023

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