arthur Ademar Arthur Chioro and Ricardo Nunes during autographs night in Santos SP

Released during the XXII CEPA’s Congress, in Rosario, Argentina, held in May, 2016, organized by Arthur Chioro dos Reis e Ricardo de Morais Nunes, two important spiritist writers from the city of Santos, SP, the book Contemporary Perspectives of Reincarnation

has got, since then, a series of promotional events in the past few months.

In Brazil, the first launch event was held at the Martins Fontes Bookstore, on Paulista Avenue, in São Paulo, on August 12th. The occasion that was attended by the President of CEPABrasil, Homero Ward Rosa, an audience consisting of spiritists, supporters and followers of different spiritualistic trends could Interact with the organizers and deepen their knowledge on reincarnation through the eyes of Spiritism.

As part of the promotional events, on August 25th, Arthur Chioro granted an interview to the show host Amaury Jr, in his show on Rede TV, where the recent book launch was highlighted. On the interview, besides reincarnation, Chioro addressed subjects related to mediumship, spirit’s survival, life in the spiritual world, among others.

Another Chioro’s interview, published on the September 13th’s edition of the paper A Tribuna, considered the most important one on Baixada Santista, also highlighted the newest piece of work from CEPA and the secular and free-thinker perspective of reincarnation.

There was also a launch and night of autographs, on September 15th, simultaneously to the Conference event with Jon Aizpúrua, in the auditorium of the Santa Cecilia’s University (UNISANTA), in Santos, SP.arthur-entrevista

The book, with 233 pages, presents a selective collection of works introduced during the XXI Pan American Spiritist Congress, held in the city of Santos, SP, Brazil, in September, 2012. The edition resulted in a partnership between CEPABrasil – Brazilian Association of Delegates and Friends of CEPA – International Spiritist Association and CPDoc – Center of Spiritist Research and Documentation.

The works have signatures of authors with different nationalities and point out the up to dateness of the spiritist theory of reincarnation, developed in the works from Allan Kardec, supported by indications and\or evidences that are verified in the field of Experimental Science.

The authors also clarify how contemporary works from philosophers, scientists, scholars, writers and thinkers have been offering factual and theoretical support to the development of this theory, turning it into a new philosophical and scientific paradigm, possible to merit appreciation, study, the deepening of research and practical application in all areas of the Human knowlegde and action.

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