jon1In the last September, CEPA’s former president, Jon Aizpúrua, attended as a lecturer in three spiritist events in Brazil.

On the 14th, Jon was at the Spiritist Center José Barroso, in São Paulo, SP, where he spoke about the theme

“The Social Spiritist Thought”.

Over 400 people watched, on the 15th, Jon Aizpúrua’s conference, at the auditorium of the Santa Cecilia’s University (UNISANTA), in Santos, SP, where he spoke about “Reincarnation and Spirituality”.

On the 17th, Aizpúrua was in Salvador, where he attended the seminar “The Spiritist Thought of Carlos Bernardo Loureiro” promoted by TELMA – Teatro Espírita Leopoldo Machado (Spiritist Theater Leopoldo Machado) speaking about “Spiritism and Parapsychology: analogies and differences”.

Jon Aizpúrua is a psychologist, writer, professor and memb er of the University Council of the Central University of Caracas, Venezuela. His contribution to the development of the spiritist knowledge qualifies him as one of the most important and influent spiritist thinkers of the current days.jon2

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