By Alexandre Cardia Machado

Perhaps Jaci Régis in 1989 could not imagine that in 2017 we would be preparing the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Spiritist Thought. The fourth to be made after his disincarnation. We believe that he is happy

to see that a 28 years old initiative aimed at bringing together freethinking spiritists who, at that time, had little space to disseminate their ideas in the meetings held by religious spiritists.

The need in 1989 was immense, since, after a Congress of USE - Union of Spiritist Societies of São Paulo, in 1986 it had become clear that our group was incompatible with the rest of the USE movement. The discussion of critical issues such as Roustaing's or Emmanuel's influence on the Spiritist Movement incompatible with Allan Kardec's premises, or whether or not Spiritism was a religion, or whether the initial prayer at Spiritist meetings could be considered or not a ritual, became tense debates that in many cases, crossed the limit of education.

We needed new spaces, at this moment the National Symposium of Spiritist Thought emerged, which at that time was realized with invited speakers, free- thinking leaders who explored specific themes and that were then the basis of the discord between the Laity and the Religious.

With the success of the first edition, it was decided to do it every 2 years, becoming the Brazilian Symposium on Spiritist Thought.

Since the second edition, its new format has been maintained until today, we have no more invited speakers, we have spiritists who want to expose their ideas, their works, therefore we are here. There were more than 270 works presented in these 28 years. Now, a large number of Spiritist houses joined CEPA-International Spiritist Association. Within the SBPE, CEPA-Brazil emerged, initially called Friends of CEPA, with them emerged Meetings, Forums and other initiatives that multiply the opportunities of exposition of works and emergence of leadership. All this is very positive, a virtuous circle was created.

We should not forget that everything originated from the SBPE, and that these new leaders and exhibitors should present their work here as well. The SBPE needs to be preserved as a living memory of the creative energy of this whole movement of renewing ideas, with a clear national and international vocation, fully recorded in its annals, now widely available on the internet.

The SBPE is organized by a small group of people from the Instituto Cultural Kardecista de Santos and the Jornal Abertura, a permanent link for the event. Here is our invitation to once again meet in Santos in the 15th SBPE.


For more information regarding the 15o SBPE, visit the Blog for the Instituto Cultural Kardecista de Santos – ICKS: ya.html?_sm_au_=irHstMRbCjN8sJHr
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