CHAPTER I- Purpose, principles, and business address


Article 1 – Pan American Spiritist Confederation is an Institution of associative character, integrated by legally organized spiritist organizations in the American Continent, whose initial statutes were sanctioned by the first Pan American Spiritist Congress, held in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on October 13, 1946.

1st Paragraph – Pan-American Spiritist Confederation will adopt as signifier the acronym CEPA which is formed from the initial letters of its multi-word name in Spanish [Confederación Espírita Panamericana].


2nd Paragraph – Its duration will be for an indefinite time.


Article 2 – CEPA has the following objectives:

  1. to disseminate Spiritism, in accordance with conceptions of its founder Allan Kardec;
  2. to promote, stimulate and guide efforts in the direction of the permanent advancement of Spiritism;

III. to stimulate, promote and organize events related with its objectives;

IV. to support initiatives identified with the spiritist philosophy that seeks progress and peace;

V.  to assemble congresses, in the form established by these Statutes.


Article 3 - CEPA adopts the following principles:

I.  The definition of Spiritism as "Science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of spirits, as well as, of their relations with the corporal world" and as a spiritualist philosophy of moral consequences;


II. The synthesis of the spiritist doctrine in the following main foundations:

a)   Existence of God

b)   Pre-existence and immortality of the Spirit

c)   Plurality of existences and inhabited worlds

d)  Communicability of the Spirits

e)   Law of Evolution


III. The valuation of knowledge and moral advancement of Humanity;

IV. The foundation of its line of work is based on the non-religious, freethinking, humanist, dynamic, progressive, and pluralist qualities of Spiritism.


Article 4 - CEPA will have by seat and address the city where his President resides.


CHAPTER IIAbout the Associate List, Admission and Exclusion, and about Rights and Obligations


Article 5 - The human component will be constituted by the following categories:

I. Adhered Institutions - any spiritist Societies, legally constituted, that identify with the objectives and principles expressed in Articles 2 and 3 of these Statutes;


II. Affiliated Institutions - those that, after belonging to CEPA during at least two years in the category of Adhered Institution, ask for transference to the Affiliated category and are accepted by the Executive Council;


III. Supporting Members - physical or legal people who contribute to the attainment of CEPA’s objectives, and are admitted by means of a proposal, subject to approval by the Executive Council.


First Paragraph - The adhesion to CEPA will take place by means of written request of admission, sent to the Executive Council, accompanied by the Social Statutes, description of activities, and elements that allow them to determine their characteristics, direction, and history.


Second Paragraph – All institutions that request adhesion to CEPA must have a democratic organization, and must not develop mediumship practices that pursue profit.


Third Paragraph – Societies with Seat outside the American Continent may be admitted, exceptionally, exclusively in the category of Adhered Institutions, until a similar Organization to CEPA is constituted in their respective Continents.


Article 6 - Exclusion from the associates list of CEPA will occur because of any of the following reasons:

  1. By request subscript by the Direction of the renouncing organization, accompanied by the Act of the meeting that deliberated on the exclusion order;
  2. By decision of the Executive Council, by virtue of non-compliance of the duties stipulated in the Statutes or by declared opposition to the objectives and principles defined in Articles 2 and 3 above mentioned.


First Paragraph - The penalized institution may appeal the decision of the Executive Council before the General Assembly.


Second Paragraph - The excluded institution may request readmission to the list of associates, when the causes that originated the exclusion are eliminated.


Article 7 - Duties of the adhered and affiliated Institutions constitute:

  1. to send to the Secretary General a summarized annual report of the developed activities; to contribute financially with the established quota for each category, as determined by the Executive Council, ad referendum of the General Assembly;
  2. nominate delegates to represent them in the events sponsored by CEPA;
  3. collaborate in the execution of the program of activities and in the fulfillment of the objectives of CEPA;


Article 8- It is a duty of the supporting partners to contribute financially with a quota established by the Executive Council, ad referendum of the General Assembly.

Article 9 - Rights of the Adhered Institutions constitute:

  1. To receive information on the activities of CEPA;
  2. to participate in the events organized by the Executive Council;
  3.  to participate in the General Assemblies without right to vote.


Article 10 - Rights of the Affiliated Institutions Constitute: 

a)  to receive information on the activities of CEPA;

  1. to participate in the events sponsored by CEPA;
  2. to nominate delegates to represent the institution in the General Assembly, in case its President does not attend;
  3. to participate with voice and vote in the General Assemblies;
  4. to propose modifications to the Statutes when they are summoned to it;
  5. to propose to the Executive Council the call to an extraordinary General Assembly, through a petition duly  fundamental, signed at least by one third of the Affiliated Institutions.


Unique Paragraph – If the above mentioned petition is not addressed within a sixty days period, the applicants may take the initiative to convene.


Article 11 - The rights of the Supporting Members constitute:

  1. to receive information on the activities of CEPA;
  2. to participate in the events organized by the Executive Council;
  3. to participate in the meetings of the General Assembly, without right to vote.


CHAPTER III- About the Congresses and other Events


 Article 12 - The CEPA congresses will be held every four years, for discussion about doctrine issues of Spiritism and for co-fraternization between spiritists.


Article 13 - The General Assembly decides which Country will be the seat for the next congress and of other CEPA events. 


Article 14 - The representation of the selected Country will decide, by consensus, about which Institutions will be responsible for the accomplishment of the congress and other CEPA events.


Article 15 - The activities related with the implementation of the congress and other CEPA events, including those of financial sustenance, will be delegated onto an Organizing Committee, whose president will be appointed by the Executive Council.

Article 16 - The Organizing Committee will be constituted, in addition to the President, by as many members, as they deem necessary for the execution of all the pertinent tasks and by attributions:

  1. in the event of a congress, they should present to the Executive Council, with 24 months of anticipation, minimum, a detailed first draft.
  2. in the case of other events, they should present to the Executive Council, within a stipulated term, a first draft with details of the event;
  3. to take responsibility about all measures and allusive decisions to the development of the congress or event;
  4. to stay in permanent contact with the Executive Council, informing it of their actions;
  5. to present to the Executive Council a report of the Congress or event.

Unique Paragraph - The term of office of the Organizing Committee ends with the presentation of the report of the event.


Article 17 - The Executive Council will stimulate and support the celebration of cultural, doctrinarian, and fraternization events of national or regional character, in the intervals between congresses, such as Conferences, Forums, Courses, Seminaries, etc.


CHAPTER IV- About the Direction Body


Article 18 - The control elements of CEPA are the following:

  1. The General Assembly;
  2. The Executive Council.
  3. The Fiscal Commission

 Chapter V: About the General Assembly


Article 19 - The General Assembly is the maximum authority of CEPA. It is constituted by the representatives of the Affiliated and Adhered Institutions and meets every 4 years, during the accomplishment of the Congresses, or extraordinarily, when special circumstances require its convoking.


1st Paragraph - When an institution is not represented by its President, the delegate will have to present his/her credentials to the General Secretariat.


2nd Paragraph - The only Institutions that will be able to vote in the General Assemblies are those that are up-to-date with their financial contribution.


Article 20 – The attributions of the General Assembly are:

  1. to elect and oath the Executive Council of the CEPA;
  2. to evaluate and approve the report of the developed activities in every quarter period;
  3. to approve the Financial Balance of the administration;
  4. to examine issues related to the organization of the spiritist movement;
  5. to modify or to reform the present Statutes;
  6. to evaluate and judge appeals presented by its associates;
  7. to deliberate on the dissolution of CEPA;
  8. to decide about the entailment (attachments) of CEPA to other organisms;
  9. to nominate commissions for the performance of specific tasks;
  10. to approve the internal rules and regulations of CEPA;
  11. to resolve unforeseen issues by these Statutes;
  12. to decide upon on the fulfillment of congresses and other CEPA events.


Unique Paragraph - The deliberation on the dissolution of CEPA will not be valid if at least two Affiliated Institutions agree.


Article 21 - For the reform of the Statutes, the proposals must be presented to the Executive Council within a minimum term of 12 months before the next meeting of the General Assembly.  In tern, the Executive Council will appoint a Statutory Reformation Commission that will immediately inform all affiliates, sending them copies of the proposed reforms. All suggestions received will be gathered by the Commission, in a first draft that will be submitted to the General Assembly.


Unique Paragraph - Each country, irregardless of the number of Affiliated Institutions that it possesses, will not be able to have more than 25% of the total of votes for the reform of CEPA Statutes.


Article 22 - The Assemblies will adopt the following procedure for their deliberations:

  1. Initially, consensus in the decisions will be sought for; in its lack, the decision will be taken by simple majority, in secret voting;
  2. In the deliberations of the General Assembly, only the Affiliated Institutions will have the right to vote, those that are up-to-date with their financial contribution, having each institution right to only one vote;

III. Each single participant will be able to represent only one Institution;

IV. The Assemblies will work with any number of represented Institutions.


CHAPTER VI- About the Executive Council


Article 23 - The Executive Council is made up of the following positions, whose holders will be chosen in General Assembly:


  1. President;
  2. 1st Vice-president;
  3. 2nd Vice-president;
  4. 3rd Vice-president;
  5. General Secretary;
  6. Assistant Secretary;
  7. Treasurer;

Unique Paragraph - The members of the Executive Council which this article relates must be selected among the participants of the Affiliated or Adhered Institutions to CEPA, necessarily taking into account representation of at least three different countries.


Article 24 - The President will be able to appoint, as needed, advisers, directors or secretaries who will form the Executive Council.`


Article 25 - The term of office of the Executive Council will be of four years, and only one reelection will be admissible.


Article 26 - The Executive Council attributions are:

  1. to fulfill the Statutes and the resolutions of the General Assembly and make it fulfilled;
  2. to convoke the General Assembly, as indicated in Art. 10, line "f" and its Unique Paragraph;

III. to render account of its acts to the General Assembly;

IV. to agree upon the special appointments of the Presidency of commissions, representatives and delegates with their respective functions;

  1. to admit or exclude the members of the list of associates;

VI. to establish the amount of the social contribution, ad referendum of the General Assembly.


Article 27 - The Executive Council will meet periodically. All resolutions taken by an available means of communication will be valid, when it becomes impossible for any of its members to be present.


CHAPTER VII - About the Fiscal Commission


Article 28 - The Fiscal Commission is the auditing component of the financial management, elected by the General Assembly in a list not associated with the Executive Council. The Fiscal Commission will be composed by three members from the Affiliated or Adhered Institutions and will have a term of four years.


Article 29 - The Fiscal Commission attributions are:

  1. to choose, among its members, a Coordinator;
  2. to give opinion about the annual Income Statements and the financial situation of CEPA at the end of its term;
  3. to express opinion about the extraordinary expenses and the application of patrimony;
  4. to review the accounting books and documents for scrutiny of the Executive Council accounts.


Unique Paragraph – During the exercise of its term, the Fiscal Commission may maintain contacts using any available means of communication. The transmission of document via electronics means will be admissible.


CHAPTER VIII- About the Presidency


Article 30 – The attributions of the President of CEPA are:

  1. to represent CEPA before the Spiritist movement and other public or private organisms;
  2. to lead the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Council;
  3. to co-sign, with the Secretary General, acts, documents and communications in general;
  4. to co-sign with the Treasurer, checks, payment orders, accounting reports and trial balance sheet;
  5. to solve urgent cases and  render account to the Executive Council during the first meeting held;
  6. to nominate advisors and appointees of Departments that were created for the execution of the program of CEPA;
  7. to nominate special delegates, representatives and commissions, giving them specific functions, in agreement with the Executive Council;
  8. to submit for approval to the General Assembly the Report of Activities and Financial Balance of its management, together with the appropriate Report of the Fiscal Commission.


Unique Paragraph - In the event that the President becomes impaired, he/she will be replaced by 1st Vice-president, 2nd Vice-president, 3er Vice-president respectively.  If the absence of the President becomes indefinite, new members may be appointed to integrate the Executive Council.


CHAPTER IX: About the Vice- Presidencies


Article 31 - It is incumbent to the vice-presidents:

  1. to replace the president during his/her impediment or definite absence, as expressed in the unique Paragraph of the previous Article;
  2. to help the presidency in its functions and to fulfill specific missions attributed by the president;
  3. to propose to the President strategies and plans of action of CEPA in the areas in which they act.


CHAPTER X- About the General Secretary 


Article 32 - It is incumbent to the General Secretary or, in his impediment, to the Assistant Secretary:

  1. to write up the acts and documents of general communication, and co-signing them with the President;
  2. to organize the secretary office and the file.


Unique Paragraph - In common agreement, the Secretary General and the Assistant Secretary will be able to divide the tasks of the Secretary’s Office.


CHAPTER XI – About of the Treasury


Article 33 - It is incumbent to the Treasurer and, in his absence, to the Assistant Treasurer:

  1. to receive and deposit collected funds;
  2. to co-sign, with the President, checks, payment orders, and other accounting documents;
  3. to account for monthly financial movement and  present annual balances, submitting them for review by the Fiscal Commission and informing the Executive Council;
  4. to surrender an accounting report to the General Assembly every four years, with approval of the Fiscal Commission;
  5. to maintain individualized control of financial contributions of the list of associates.


CHAPTER XII – About the Advisors, Secretaries or Departments


Article 34 - It is incumbent to the advisers invited by the Presidency to render assistance to the Executive Council, as members, in administrative, doctrine, legal and others issues.


Article 35 - It is incumbent to the holders of the Secretaries or Departments, appointed by the President as members of the Executive Council, to administer the areas for which they were designated.


Unique Paragraph - areas to be administered by Secretaries or Departments include those of investigation, dissemination, communication and others, not necessarily executed by his/her holders, which may be delegated to Institutions, groups, committees or specialized people, in the diverse countries, that will articulate under support of the Executive Council, forming a network for interchange and trade of experiences.


CHAPTER XIII- About the Special Delegates


Article 36 - The special delegates are representatives of CEPA, appointed by the President, preferably

in localities, regions or countries where there are no Affiliated or Adhered Institution. 

The attributions of the special delegates are:

  1. to represent CEPA in the region for which they were designated;
  2. to work towards the accomplishment of  the objectives and principles of CEPA, expressed in Articles 2 and 3 of these Statutes;
  3. to propose to the Executive Council strategies and plans of action of CEPA in the regions in which they act;
  4. to inform his/her activities to the Executive Council, at least, once per semester.


1st Paragraph - The term of a Delegate ends with the term of office of the President, who appointed him/her. This term may be renewed.


2nd Paragraph - Special Delegates [non-residents of America] may be appointed exceptionally until a similar Organization to CEPA is constituted in his/her respective Continent.


CHAPTER XIV- About the Patrimony


Article 37 - The Patrimony of CEPA is composed in the following manner:

  1. By contributions made by the associates;
  2. By resources obtained through donations;

III. By the product of the sale of books, publications, or other articles that CEPA publishes.


Article 38 - If by any circumstance the General Assembly decides the dissolution of CEPA; all their goods will be transferred to whom the General Assembly decides.


CHAPTER XV- About the General Dispositions


Article 39 - The omissions will be solved by the Executive Council, which may be authenticated or revoked by the General Assembly.


Article 40 - These Statutes were approved during a meeting of the General Assembly on September 10, 2004, in the city of Rafaela, Argentina, during the XIX Pan-American Spiritist Congress entering into effect immediately.


Sessions Room, Sociedad  “Espiritismo Verdadero”, September 10, 2004.